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PropertyIQ Integration Overview
PropertyIQ Integration Overview

This article contains information about the Property IQ API such as what data comes across, how to set it up and Frequently Asked Questions.

Updated over a week ago

What can the PIQ integration do?

Once connected to your PIQ account, you can import your portfolio sites, lot owners and documents into Resvu. This automates the management of site and owner data ensuring PIQ remains the source of truth for your operation.

How do I set up my PIQ Integration?

API Configuration

To setup integration between ResVu and Property IQ will require the following:

  • API Client ID

  • API Client Secret

  • Base API URL

  • Default Site Name

API Client ID, API Client Secret, and Base API URL can be obtained by reaching out to your Property IQ Account Manager.

Default Site Name determines how site names will be displayed in the Admin Portal, there are 3 options:

  1. Scheme Number

  2. Short Address

  3. Long Address

Note: The default site name will only get set for sites that don't have a name in PIQ already. If there's a name against the site in PIQ, we will always use that by default.

Once API Client ID, API Client Secret, Base API URL have been obtained and Default Site Name has been decided, the Super Admin can log into the ResVu Company Dashboard > Integrations > Property IQ Settings

Then input the information and confirm that the API connection was a success and hit save.

User Profile Configuration

This option is used to inform users how to update their details. Place a link to your PIQ portal in the User Profile Link and lot owners will be directed here when trying to change their profile details from the resident application.

Committee Member Configuration

  • Add imported committee members to a default Committee group will add any imported users flagged as Committee Members to a new group in their site. Learn more about Committee groups here. Be sure to add and configure a new group immediately below the toggle options.

  • Add imported committee members as Committee Representatives and Admins will make any imported committee member a site admin, meaning they can log in to the site admin console for their site.

Note: If you wish to lock certain features for these Committee members, you can do so by modifying the permissions of the group they get added to (see above). A common configuration is to only enable access to the CommitteeHub module.

Importing Sites

To being with, navigate to the PIQ integrations page > Import Sites tab.

Setting your search filters

You can use these filers to narrow down the sites you wish to see from PIQ. This is useful if you're rolling out a specific section of your portfolio at a time.

Search your sites

Once the optional filters are applied, click the Fetch Sites button. This will return a list of sites from PIQ that match your filters, or all of them if you didn't apply any filters.

Note: This step doesn't import your sites, only returns the list of sites from PIQ for viewing. Also, be aware that previously imported sites will not show in this table - they can be found in the Previously Imported Sites table below.

Importing sites

From the list of returned sites, you can:

  • Import an individual site by clicking the Import Site button

  • Select multiple sites (or all) using the checkbox, and then click Import Sites from the bulk actions dropdown.

When this happens, a new site will be created in ResVu and it will remain linked to the site in PIQ. See here for the fields we import. The site will then be moved into your Previously Imported Sites table where you can import users and documents.

Note: This step doesn't import any users or documents. You'll need to follow the steps below for this to occur.

Importing Documents

You can import documents by Serch Term or by Category. Categories are the preferred method of importing documents as they allow for more control and the option to apply a display label in the resident application.

Filtering by categories

In ResVu

  1. Navigate to Company Dashboard > Integrations > PIQ

  2. Click the PIQ API Settings button > Document Import Configuration

  3. Toggle Enable Document Import

  4. Select a category to add from the dropdown

  5. Add an optional display label. This will be shown in the resident application instead of the category name.

  6. Apply a date filter to only import documents updated from a certain date onwards

  7. Choose some user types if you'd like to restrict access to this type of document. Selecting none will make it visible by all user types.

Enabling document imports for a site

Once you've configured your documents and applied the optional user types, navigate to the Import Users From Sites tab and search for your desired site. Toggle the Scheduled Docs Import option next to the site.

This means the next time the scheduler runs, the documents for that site will be imported and shown in the MyHome section of the resident application.

Importing lot owners

Be sure to configure the Committee member options in the settings page before importing your users. While optional, it's a good idea to do this before importing users if you wish to give Committee members access to CommitteeHub and/or the admin console.

To import your users from PIQ:

  1. Navigate to the PIQ Integration page

  2. Select the Import Users From Sites tab

From here, there are two ways to import users

  1. Turn on the Scheduled Users Import toggle. This will automatically import all the users for that site the next time the scheduler is run.

  2. Click the Fetch Users button. This will show you a list of all the users in PIQ for this site. From here, you can manually import individual users, or select multiple (or all) users and import them using the Import Users button from the bulk actions dropdown.

Note: if you enable the Scheduled User Import toggle, even after importing individual users, all users of the site will be imported when the scheduler is next run. To stop this from happening, please see below.

Disabling import for a specific lot

If there's a user that doesn't need to be imported into the ResVu system yet (e.g. the lot is still owned by the developer) you can toggle the Disable Importing option against that user in the Import Users step. This will "skip" the user when the scheduler runs and won't import them into the system.

Once the lot is ready to be imported, simply turn this toggle off. You can then manually import the user, or they will automatically be imported the next time the scheduler is run (providing the scheduler is enabled for this site).

Importing Committee Members

All committee members in PIQ will be imported with the user type of Committee Representative (CR). If enabled in the API settings, they may automatically be added to the committee group and/or have access to the admin console.

Ensuring user details stay updated

To ensure any changes in PIQ are reflected in the ResVu platform (e.g. changes in user information or ownership) you'll need to enable the Scheduled Users Import toggle against the site. This will, at a minimum, run once every 24 hours and ensure user details stay updated and transfers of ownership are reflected in the system.

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