Bookings is an overview of the reservations places on all your sites facilities. In this article we'll explore:
Making a manual booking
Sometimes you may wish to manually create a booking on behalf of a user, for example at the front desk.
Go to Concierge > Venues > Manage Bookings > Click Add Booking
Fill out the required information: Venue, User, Date, Start Time, End Time are all required fields.
Other options include:
Mark as Complete - used to show that the booking has taken place
Confirmed by Resident - shows that the resident is aware of the manual booking
Send a Reminder - will deliver an SMS to the user 1 hour before the booking takes place
Has Accepted Terms - you can use this toggle to record that the resident has accepted the terms
Then Click Save
Important note
When making a manual booking as an admin, you have the ability to override the default settings of the venue. For example, you can book outside of the required times or even double book. Please be sure your booking doesn't clash with one already made on the system.
Viewing/Editing bookings
You can view all your bookings from the Manage Bookings page by looking through either the calendar or list.
To refine your search, there are filters that can be applied:
Filter by Venue - allows you to choose which venue booking to see
Filter by Time - allows you to see bookings between a certain date range. There are quick preset options which show the past weeks or months.
As an admin, you can view and make changes to any bookings made by residents:
Click on a booking in the Calendar view
Or click the view/edit button in the list view
Approving a booking
Clicking on a Red Booking in the Calendar view will allow you to approve at bottom, then click save.
In the List View, select the item and click mark as approved
Frequently asked questions
I'm having trouble booking for a certain apartment number
The issue could be that the apartment number contains a space at the end, resulting in the apartment number being invalid. Please remove the space from the apartment number field and save the profile, this will allow you to create a booking for the user.
How can I block out a certain time?
If you need to block out a particular time so residents can't book, you can either:
Edit the venue time settings (good for ongoing restrictions)
Make a manual booking yourself (good for a once-off occasion)
Disable bookings for that venue completely (yet still display the venue)