Venues and amenities

Learn how to create venues under Concierge

Updated over a week ago

Through the venues section, you can create a complete bookings system for all your site related amenities. In addition, we also suggest you create a move-in / move-out "venue" for residents to book the lifts.

There are 4 sections when creating a Venue in Concierge

Create a new venue

Go to Concierge > Venues > Manage Venues > Click Add Venues.

Enter in Venue description

Enter in the name, description and upload any images for the venue

Enter in Time Settings

Enter in whether the Venue has Open/Close Times, Duration booking limit, Booking Notice Limit and Per User restriction

Enter Authorisation details

Enter in whether the Bookings are temporarily disabled, who is the target audience, does the venue have terms and conditions, displayed on Digital Noticeboards (Physical Notice board that is purchased from ResVu), Displayed on the Mobile app, Approval and venue capacity.

Enter in Payments

If Stripe Payment integration is setup then enter in the stripe details and the payment amount

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be notified of new bookings?

When creating a new venue, under the Authorizations tab turn on Approval is required. The email you enter will then be sent a notification every time someone books that venue.

What if the venue doesn't require bookings?

In the venue settings under the Authorization tab, you can select Are bookings disabled? When selected, you'll be able to provide a reason and end date (if needed). This will mean your venue is still displayed on the resident's app, but they won't be able to book the venue.

Can I let multiple people book the venue at once?

Currently, this is not an available feature. There are a few workarounds that could allow multiple residents to book a single facility:

  • Create multiple venues. For example, you could have BBQ area one and BBQ area two

  • Make the booking as an admin. From the admin console, you have the ability to override bookings.

Show individual bookings


Clicking the show bookings button on a venue will take you to the Manage Bookings tab. Further to this, it will automatically filter the bookings by the venue you chose on the previous page.

Create individual bookings


Clicking this button will again take you to the Manage Bookings page and create a new booking. The venue section will be pre-filled with the venue you chose.

Next steps

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