There are several Stages that need to be filled out before a form template gets created.
Company Form Template (Global)
To Create a Form template you either go to the Company Dashboard > Manage > Forms > Add Company Form. This is used to make account wide forms across all sites. Generic forms should be created here
Create one from Scratch
Create one from a Template
Or you can add a Form template and then edit the template by going to Company Dashboard > Manage > Forms > Add Form Template
Limit Forms to be only created in Company Dashboard
In the Company Dashboard you can limit Forms to only be created in the Company Dashboard by going to Manage > Account Settings > Edit > Adding Site level forms
Site Specific Forms
When a Site has a unique form, instead of creating in the Company dashboard you can go to Site level > Requests > Forms > Add Forms. If the form is not unique to that specific site, it is recommended to use the Company Dashboard Form creation.
Creating a Form
We will be going through the example of creating a Form from scratch in the Company Dashboard as this is the most common way to create a Form
0. Select sites when creating Company Dashboard Form
Before we can begin creating the form we need to select the sites that the form will be associated with.
1. Details
In the first stage you need to enter in the Title, Description, upload an image and any files you want to provide the resident. Once done, click next.
2. Form
This is where you enter in all the fields that are required, there are many to choose from which means any type of Form can be completed. The most common are Pet Application forms and Architectural Change Request Forms.
Enter in a title and description for each form field, select if its mandatory and then select the type of field.
The field types are:
Section Heading
Short Text
Long Text
Check Box
Image Upload
File Upload
Single Select
Multi Select
This Field is required: Makes the Field Mandatory forcing residents to complete
Show Field in Submissions Table: Allows the Admin to view the Form Field submission information in the Form submission table
Hide this field in site Requests: In Advanced settings you can allow forms submissions to be visible to all residents (Handy if issue in common area so duplicate submissions are less likely) but you want this particular field to be hidden from the view of residents that didn't submit the form.
Note: you can preview the form
3. Workflow
In workflow you create the types of statuses that are related to the form to suit your needs.
Enter in the name, type and description.
there are 3 types of status:
4. Advanced
In advanced you have 3 additional options to select.
Enable admins to edit submissions from the residents: Once a resident submits a form, do you want to edit the form if they made a mistake or do you want them to resubmit the form if they make a mistake
Show a popup after the user submits a request: Once submitted the message will appear in the App
Does this request require payment: To setup payment integration with stripe, follow this article
Show Open site submissions on the App: allows the Form submissions to be visible to other residents, this is most commonly done for Common Area Maintenance request forms as it is beneficial for residents to see other form submissions
Submissions related to this form will be visible for Committee Members via the resident app and portal: This allows committee members to view the Form submissions so they can keep informed of the progress of the submission without reaching out to the strata manager
Send email notification for new form submission: Admins can be assigned to the form so they receive an email notification every time a form gets submitted.
Send email notification for new form submission: When a Form gets assigned to an admin, they will receive an email notification
Send email notification to primary site 'manager': Primary Site Managers will receive an email notification every time a Form request gets submitted
Once chosen click next and save, the form is now ready for residents to submit.