Main menu badge
These are the red and round badges
They are designed to show the number of new items
Menu | Count |
Users | Users who require approval |
Requests | Maintenance, builder defects, and custom requests with the status of New |
Concierge | Unapproved bookings and uncollected deliveries |
Resident Hub | Club requests that are pending |
Committee Hub | Requests with a status of New |
Tasks | Tasks with a status of New |
Sub menu counts
These are the numbers contained in brackets
They are designed to show the number of open items
Menu | Count |
Users | Users who require approval |
Maintenance | Open maintenance requests |
Builders Defects | Open builder defects |
Custom | Open custom requests |
Bookings | Unapproved bookings |
Deliveries | Uncollected deliveries |
Clubs | Club requests that are pending |
Topics | Open discussion topics |
Approvals | Open approval items |
Requests | Requests with a status of New or In Review |
Tasks | Tasks that haven't been completed |