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Managing Active Topics

This Article goes through how to Create and Manage Committee Topics as a Site Admin

Updated over 3 years ago

There are four options for Site Admins when managing Committee Active Topics:

Create new Topics for the Committee to discuss

To Create a new Topic for the Committee to discuss go to Committee Hub > Active Topics > Click Add Topic

Enter the Name, Description, upload any attachments if required.

Next choose the Topic Type either General or Voting.

General is just plain text discussion where as Voting allows a survey to be sent out to the Committee and then have them Vote on the options. If Voting is selected you will see additional options.

Note: Make sure to Click Add option for the last choice if Voting was selected otherwise it won't be included.

Then once you have selected the topic type, choose which Members of the Committee you want to be able to see the Topic, most commonly it is all Committee Members or just the Committee Chair.

Then Click Submit, your Topic will now appear in the list

Engage in the Topic discussion for General type

Any Topic that has been created by a Site Admin or a Committee Member will be under Committee Hub > Active Topics.

A Site Admin is able to Engage in the discussion when the Topic Type is General. Voting Type topics can only be viewed and reported on.

General Discussion

To enter the General Discussion of a topic click on the arrow and then click Add Response

Then enter the text and click Submit Response

Downloading Reports

Site Admins are able to download the full chat log for General Type or download the Results for Voting Topics. This is done by going into the topic by clicking enter discussion and click download chat or generate report in the top Right side of the screen.

For voting Topics, the Generate report button is located here

For General Topics, the download chat button is located here.

Note: Chat cannot be downloaded when the Topic has been Closed.

Note: On the bottom of the page you can export to CSV

Closing the Topic

Once the discussion is over you can close the topic by entering the topic and click Close Topic. This will change the Status to closed in the Active topics section.

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