What is a division?
A division is a field against each site that enables you to manage a large number of sites at once in the Company Dashboard.
How are divisions created?
Currently, divisions are only created when a site is imported via the StrataMax or PIQ integration. This means your divisions must be set in your accounting system at this point in time.
Note: We import the Folio field from PIQ, but call it a Division in the ResVu Platform.
How often is the division updated?
The manual scheduler won't update the folio or division field. This means if the folio changes in PIQ or StrataMax, you may be required to wait up to 24 hours for the automatic cloud scheduler to run.
Can I create my own divisions?
No, you cannot currently create your own divisions at this point in time. However, we do have plans to build a manual "teams" or "groupings" feature to categories your sites in the future.
Where can I use the division field?
Viewing all your sites
Company Dashboard > Manage > Sites
Here, you can filter all your sites by division. Simply type the name of the division (or folio) in the search bar, and only the sites for that division will remain in the table.
If you would like to apply a bulk action to those sites, select the checkbox next to the Name field at the top of the table (thus selecting all sites for that division) and apply your bulk action.
Admin teams
Company Dashboard > Manage > Admin Teams
When applying an admin team to a selection of sites, you can also filter those sites by division. Just like viewing all sites (see above) you can search for a division, select all sites, and assign or unassign the admin team to that selection (and thus division) of sites.
Bulk site updates
Company Dashboard > Manage > Bulk Site Updates
When making a bulk update (correspondence templates, site images, site contacts, etc.) you can apply these changes to a division. Simply select the Apply Audience by Division toggle and choose your division(s) from the dropdown.
This will populate the site selector with all the sites under that division, and saving the setting will apply it to all those sites.
Global Correspondance
Company Dashboard > Engage > Global Alerts, Notices, Newsletters, Surveys, Events
When creating one of the engagement items mentioned above, you can also pre-populate the site selector with the divisions from a site by selecting the Apply Audience by Division toggle and choosing your division(s) from the dropdown.