Invoice Requests in FM Link

This article explains how to create and manage Invoice Requests in FM Link

Updated over a week ago

Create Invoice Request

To create an Invoice Request go to Requests > Invoice List > Click + Add Invoice Request

Fill in the "Invoice Title", "Date" and "Cost". Upload any documents relating to the Invoice in "Uploaded Files" Section.

"Linked Asset", "Linked Contractor" and "Status" are additional fields that can provide further information about the Invoice Request.

"Asset" tags can be created in Registers > Asset Register

"Linked Contractors" can be created in Users > Contractors > Click + Add Contractor.

Manage Invoice Request

Once an Invoice Request has been created, it can be marked as "Approved" or "Declined".

To Edit the status, go to Requests > Invoice List > Click 3 Dots > Click Approved or Declined

Invoice Requests can also be exported by clicking the Export CSV button.

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