There are 4 sections in creating a maintenance request.
Maintenance Details
Send Email
This article will go through what each section looks like and explain which fields require lists to be populated and their location.
Create a Maintenance Request
To create a Maintenance request is to go to FM Link > Requests > Maintenance List > +Add Maintenance
Maintenance Details
Then fill out the Maintenance Details Tab and hit Next Tab
Description Tab is where all the information about the Maintenance request gets entered.
"Statues of Maintenance" has pre-set status types but custom ones can be created in Site > Tag List Editor > (Quote / Work Order / Defect) Statuses
"Type of Maintenance" tags can be created in Site > Tag List Editor > (Quote / Work Order /Defect) Types
Advanced Tab allows you to fill out more information about the specific location. This is not mandatory so can be skipped.
"Location of Maintenance" tags can be created in Site > Tag List Editor > Site Locations
"Location Detail Tags" can be created in Site > Tag List Editor > Sub Location Tags
"Asset" can be created in Registers > Asset Register
Send Email
Send Email Tab allows you to choose if you want to send this Maintenance request to a particular individual such as contractor or staff member. If you do select the appropriate user and Click Send Email.
When you are finished setting up the Maintenance Request hit Save Changes at the top