A user is someone who engages with your site, as either a resident or an administrator. If you need to add a new user manually, follow these steps:
Registering the User
Head to Users > User Management
Click Add User in the top right corner
Fill out their details. Include all personal information relevant to the user. If the user is an admin, you can check the admin toggle at this stage. This will grant them access to the admin console.
When you manually create a user, they will automatically be approved for your site. However there is no issue if you manually tick it yourself.
Once all the details are entered, click the Save button at the top of the page to add the user to their system.
What happens now?
Once you've added a resident to the system, they'll receive an email prompting them to set their new password and account. It's important to invite them to download the ComunitiLink app and become apart of your building's community.
Note: This reset password link will expire after 7 days if not clicked.